Saturday, February 21, 2009

This afternoon mummy went to the library and borrow these books! (: Hopefully, she make some delicious food for me XD { hehehe }

Look! Mummy is playing with my food :x { hmpt } But does they look appetising? Actually i dont really care about how the food looks, as long as they are tasty :DD Do you agree with me ???

Mummy had mention during the previous post that she will go back to the petshop and enquiry them about the expire food. Mummy went down today, and she was really piss off! Alright here it goes ...

When mummy told the persont that the food had expire, guess what did the person reply? He says that the date imprint wasnt the expiry date, and it was the manufacture date ... There is two possibility why he said that. Firstly, he really doesnt know what the date represent. Secondly, he is obviously lying.

Reason : The previous ones that mummy brought had the "month"2011 imprinted on it. It is impossible to be the manufacture date. Its like " Hello! the food was manufacture on year 2011 ???" So mummy asked him this " you said that it was the manufacture date, so it doesnt have any expiry date? " The guy didnt answer to my question !!! End up, he replace the can of expire food with a new one.

After this experience, mummy swear that she will NEVER go back to that petshop again!!! It is alright if they apologise for it, but they didnt. And even beat around the bush! I wounder if other people who bought this would notice the expiry date ... I hope they will take all the expire food down the shelves, so no more other doggy will be affected. Are they going to take responsibility if someone's dog fell sick after eating them???

I think they are just plain irresponsible :x


Suzuki said...

Its furry nice to meet you! My Mum has that book called Pupcakes. Every Monday on my blog I have Mummy makes it Mondays. This week is was lamb muttballs (better known as magic muttballs in the Pupcakes book) they were very good. Check my blog to see the photos.
Big licks to you

Wei Qian said...

Hello Suzuki,

i just went to your blog! (: Isnt it great to have tasty food on every monday? :] and the food does look yummy :DD

best regards

Twinkle a.k.a Chicken Little said...

Im licking the monitor screen now!!! slurp~!!!

slurpy lick,

Mason Dixie said...

Your dinner looks delicious. Wonder if mom will get the idea and start mixing up my meals. paws crossed. =)

Lorenza said...

Hi, Vodka!
Yummy food!
Sometimes people at the stores don't know what they are selling!
Take care
Kisses and hugs

Wei Qian said...

Hello Twinkle,

haha. actually you can ask your mummy to decorate yor food too :DD I guess mummy has nth better to do, thats why ...

best regards

Wei Qian said...

Hello Manson Dixie,

:DD Tell your mom that it is just so easy, just place the food nicely ...

best regards

Wei Qian said...

Hello Lorenza,

hmm, i think so too :x

best regards

Emma and Emmy said...

Hello Vodka,

Your mom ROCK. She fought for you on the expired food.

My family believed the owner knew it, but still took chance to sell it.

Wei Qian said...

Hello Emma and Emmy,

gee, thanks! i will tell mom XD

i think so too, i guess they were just trying to earn. but in a wrong way against their consiences.

best regards