Look at the tanktop that mommy got, looks like me ? XD
Vodka is such a big boy right now, look at him!
Friday, February 11, 2011
Belated Happy Chinese New Year!!!
Sorry for being so late.
For the chinese zodiac, this is the year of rabbit.
For those who doesnt know, there is actually 12 zodiac.
1) Rat
2) Ox
3) Tiger
4) Rabbit
5) Dragon
6) Snake
7) Horse
8) Ram
9) Monkey
10) Rooster
11) Dog
12) Pig
Rabbit's ears to join in the fun XD
Oo, it's dinner time?
I cant reach the food!!!
Hmmm, a chair?
Am i able to jump over ...
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Adorable isnt it?
Hmmm, am i consider miniature too?
I was once a miniature :D
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Hasnt been updating for such a long time!!!!!!!!
I hope everyone is doing fine (:
100% dose of cuteness!
Doris got Vodka a new bow tie.
Behind those cuteness, actually hides Vodka's mischievous!
He actually ate (stole) bf dinner, a whole pack of economic noodles.
And afterthat, he got a super duper round tummy.
He walked really slow and he couldnt jump onto the sofa.
Monday MOMSday
Lady PF and The KidSSSS -
And Dad too -
Heading towards 7pm - 46 - Cloudy - With some rain to come -
Speaking of rain, we did get some on Saturday - whic...
Celebrating my Girls
From the first introductions of Lucie and Hailey as puppies, it was pure
January 3, 2009
Zoe didn't care much for Addie when she was a puppy. But...
James V. Taurisano USMC
*Dad was in the Navy for about 25 years. His war was Vietnam but he was in
Don't forget.
Hurro! Mum just logged into Blogger and noticed we is still getting quite a
lot of views here, so just a reminder to come join us at my new blog, Seaside ...
(Remembering you... happy and alert)
My dearest Lorenza:
I want to thank to you to come into my life to enrich it. You taught me to
be patient, tolera...
Hey everypawdy! Sorry we have been really busy and left this site to rot,
like literally. A lot have happen in our household. Well kind of? We are
sad to a...
Happy 14th birthday to little Wonder girl!
25th June 2014
Happy birthday to our June babies! Yesterday was Wonder's 14th barkday!
Happy birthday Wonder! Stay healthy and young always!
Look at Wo...
Exciting news!
Hello everypawdy! Well, so much for our new year's resolution about
blogging more frequently - that didn't last! We may have to sack our
assistant, he he h...
A slightly belated Christmas wish from us.. We hope everyone had a
wonderful Christmas and a joyous New Year ahead!! Wherever you are, we are
sending hea...
After 3 years..
We're finally back after 3 years!! Looking at the previous post, we were
still young & celebrating our 3rd birthday. :[ 3 years had gone by in a
blink of a...
Hey blogging world. Long time not posted. We didn't forget you. Mama just
got so busy to keep up with everything. Here we are few days ago. We
thought of p...
It Has Been....
*2 years 8 months since I last pen my thoughts, feelings, happiness,
sadness and even frustration here... So much has happened in this span of
time and eve...
Amazing and talented group of stylists
Hi friends, do you want to have the best hair style for you as like actor
and actress then you go to contact the VIP saloon which is providing the
R.I.P Mango
Our sweet friend MANGO crossed the bridge today. He will be missed by many
pups and humans. Our love goes to his very loving and caring mommy! We
are a...
Zaedy's Journey
Brought Zaedy for his jumper run thru last night at BDR cause he has not
been training for 3 weeks. Well...., super bad focus initially. I think
it's becau...
Kenzo and Misha is BACK!!!!
Here's what I got from mom's blog :)
I can't believed there are back!! Both Misha and Kenzo were dog-napped on
last Augus...
This Blog
Hello to all Santa's blog followers and friends,
This is me, Diana, the author of this blog. It has been a long time since
I've last written a post for thi...
Mango Minster 2012
Mom is still a slacker, my blog hasn't been updated in ages, she keeps
telling me we will do 'My Year in Review", but I don't see any reviewing
going on, a...
2011 in Review and 2012 Wishes
My apologies to my core followers for abandoning my blog... I do have a few
good reasons.
1. Christmas came a little early... Bailey's Gotcha Day is 11/22...
*9 Months and 4 Days Later...*
Hello Fluffs! As you can see, I haven't posted in a LOOOOOOONG time (as
usual). But don't worry! Mommy and I are trying to work out some free time
to sta...
Roger. El nombre de mi perro
Cuando alguien va a tener un cachorro , piensa mil nombres que ponerle el
bernés o boyero de Berna será un perro grande por lo que has de pensar que
Will you swim with us?
Hello efurryone,
Mango, Chubs and Ximui are here!
We're baaack 'cause we MISS you so much.
Terribly hot summer can't destroy my coolly handsomeness, can i...
RIP 3/2004-8/2011
Dear blogger friends,
I am sorry that I (mom of Mason) have not been around for over a year.
I have thought of all of you often and missed my time on here.
Saturday Morning Walks
I'm begining to love the weekends again. Mummy is trying to get Daddy to
bring the entire family to the parks on Saturday mornings so that I can run
All well ends well!
We've found Patches! :D
Story goes like this:
I went around putting up more posters this morning. At about 11am+ I
received an SMS from someone asking abou...
Hang Zhou
made a trip down to Hang Zhou and i didnt really enjoy it that much.
1st, the company is totally off.
its all the AH TIONGS and i totally cannot stand it whe...
One year ago !
Time really passes real fast. It's been a year since that lazy bum log in
here and do some updating on us but, at least he does.
Sigh, must be those electr...
Special Announcement
Hi Everyone,
Since our last posting on the news of Brind’Amour, we have received so many
comments, notes, and emails, and just wanted to thank all of you w...
P.E.E !!!
Uh Oohhh!! So sorry for the lack of updates!! *blush*
Too busy with FB-ing & my iPhone i almost forgot about the blog. LOL~
Some recent updates on the schn...
A (Lightning Fast) Update
Hi everyone!
So sorry for not updating or visiting your blogs...Mom has been rather busy
the past month what with her changing jobs and what not. I'm doing...
Not Allowed to Swim...Bammer...
Jie jie brought me to the Reservoir the other day. It was really hot and I
can't find the way to get into the water. I just dun understand why. It was
a ho...
I’m Sorry, Have We Been Neglecting You?
A million apologies. My humans have neglected my little blog for wayyy too
long. With another two mini “bosses” to attend to at home, the human has
had no ...
Hiya Buddies! I'm back..
I've been really busy and mommy had no time to post up any pictures.. Her
IGCSEs are coming up.. Trials first.. ...
The Month of April
Hello Friends!
I can't believe it has been so long since my last post!
We have been SUPER busy at my new house and Owner Girl got a new job so she
has been ...
Amos' baby is gone
Last week i was told that Amos' wife didnt get pregnant because of mating
at the wrong date but Wednesday i was told that Amos' wife got pregnant. I
was so...
Happy Chinese New Year and Valentine's Day
Emma and Emmy modeling their Chi Pao
Emma on the way to Chinese New Year FestivalEmmy modeling their Chinese New
Year Chi Pao
Happy Chinese New Year and Va...
RIP ZIGGY 01/11/00 - 17/01/10
Our beautiful friend Ziggy has gone to the bridge... please stop by his
brother Pedro's blog and send your fur love.
Big licks to you
Hey Guys
hey people!
sorry i havent posted in a looooooong time. my family has been so busy and
theyre goin to norway over the break and i have to go to the petsmar...
Hola! Its been long since I updated my blog. Merci merci!
To apologize, today I am going to share a delicious home cook Meat-Muffin
for my fellow paws-frie...
wohoooo .... im back !!!
Contrary to popular believe, I have not gone missing, I am still alive and
kicking and yes !!! I AM BACK NOW !!!!
ok, just a quick updates of what i have b...
Updates as promised! ((:
Have been a lazy dog recently.
Because Mummy is lazy. =p
*er hem. i am not lazy just busy. honest!*
Pictures! :D
Me and Mummy's ...
I may be gone some time........
Well it’s ‘au revoir’ folks for a while. My mum explains it all on her blog
here Henry the Dog's Mum. I think things aren’t going too well for her and
Join Mummy's Shoe Spree
Helloo folks, just came back from the Vet. In medication yet again but
doing fine and still weighs 1.6kg after all the daily chicken meal.
I decided, since I`m not as upset at my Person as I first was, that I will
change my blog title to something that doesn`t emphasize the negative
aspect of ...
Jie Jie I can swim!
Hi Everyone!
Greetings from Mei Jie Jie! As you have probably occasionally seen my name
and even my legs (thanks to socky) in this space, i am Mei JJ and i...
Lion dance
I was playing with my brother JackJack on the movie clip. He seem like
saying "You're so annoying, pls go away" but after all he still playing
with me. Da...